We Can and Must Eliminate Food Insecurity for Students in District 196

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines food insecurity as a lack of consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life. According to a research study published by its Economic Research Service, it was estimated that 1 in 10 households in Minnesota experienced food insecurity in 2017.

I was shocked to learn that something as solvable as food insecurity still exists in Minnesota, especially in our District 196 community. 

A Children’s Healthwatch research brief elaborates, “Food-insecure children often are cognitively, emotionally and physically behind their food-secure peers.” The District 196 Foundation estimates that about 1,000 children in our district are currently exposed to food insecurity.

The District 196 Foundation has partnered with organizations like The Sheridan Story, local churches and businesses, and with their support has thus far met the needs of more than 640 children. During the school week, children who qualify have access to food via the Free and Reduced meal program; however, it is during the weekends that gaining access to a predictable meal becomes a challenge. YOU CAN HELP. Your tax-deductible donation of $215 will provide one child with a weekend bag of food throughout the entire academic year. This support will go a long way to positively influence better academic and life outcomes for your sponsored child.

You can make this donation directly at the District 196 Foundation website (https://www.district196foundation.org/donate). To learn more about the District 196 Foundation, please visit www.district196foundation.org.

Sachin S. Isaacs